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18 Feb 2025 1:30 pm
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Blackvegetable » 04 Nov 2024, 3:32 pm » wrote: I know there are very literal minded people out there, so to eliminate any issues -

I am NOT talking about

"the process by which one powerful country makes a smaller neighboring country refrain from opposing the former's foreign policy rules, while allowing it to keep its nominal independence and its own political system."

though I won't cavil with a figurative comparison (for reasons soon to become apparent).

I am talking about a "Tom of Finlandization" of MAGA iconography.

Need I labor the obvious inspiration here?

Here's Tom..



Now I don't think it requires a great deal of insight into the human psyche to discern the arc joining these two. (I'll forgo drawing the risible contrast twixt image and subject in the spirit of Christian charity)

So if you are an agonizingly closeted male, probably driving a large vehicle festooned with the symbols of your faux heterosexuality, how do you reconcile your irrational passion for a Florida Man in a fake tan with your carefully manicured public persona?

Like the object of your affections you compensate with an equally irrational, but readily stoked and quite public, alarm over "grooming" and "furries xitting in litterboxes..
It's too early in the day to award the Gayest Post of the Day... but this post of BV's bent the needle on the meter
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